Growel Dental Academy
Pwllheli, Criccieth, North Wales
Gorwel Dental Academy is affiliated with Glandwr Dental Practices based in Criccieth and Pwllheli.
Due to growing demand and a substantial growth in specific referrals recieved from other dental practices in the vicinity, we felt that it was benefical for us to open a designated referral centre where the patients could be directly referred to us for specific treatments.
Once the treatment is completed, a detailed report will be sent to you containing details on the treatment provided and the long term support in aftercare, if required.
Our new modern dentl clinic is situated on the harbour front in Pwllheli. We have specially designed the premises to have a boutiwue feel to make the patient’s experience as peaceful and relaxed as possible. We will have five Dentists workings at the premises, each focused on their own interest in a specialised field.
Our aim is to provide high quality, conservative treatment with the main focus on patients needs.


At Dr Annest Haf’s inital assessment she will fully explain the sedation procedure and treatment to the patient, include is a detailed medical assessment.

Dr James Tinning is our visiting implant dentist who is a partner in a private referral dental practice in Manchester. James qualified from University of Leeds the Kenneth Stark Prize for professionalism, management and leadership. James has completed his postgraduate examinations for Membership of the Faculty of Dental Surgery with the Royal college of physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow and has completed a Master’s degree programme in Restorative Dentistry, with his research being bridgework dental design. James has interests in restorative dentistry, dental implants and fixed and removable prosthetics. He is a member of the British Society of Restorative Dentistry and the Association of Dental Implantology.
James often provides lectures to other dentists on the subject of restorative dentistry including lectures on implants, crowns and bridgework. He has co-authored a paper in the British Dental Journal on the topic of dental implant planning. James sees implant referral patients from across the North-West at his practice in Manchester and now brings this service to Deintyddfa Glandwr and Gorwel Dental Academy.

Dr Aimee Saracco-Jones will also be offering her services at Gorwel. Currently combining her dental work with furthering her eduction in cosmetic dentistry, over the last year Dr Aimee Saracco-Jones has been attending London monthly to study post graduate diploma in aesthetic and restorative dentistry. This will enable her to use a variety of techniques to have the desired aesthetic outcome.
Both Dr Aimee Saracco-Jones and our lead Invisalign provider Dr Lois Parry-Jones are accepting new Invisalign patients. We use the latest iTero scanners that enable us to accurately digitally demonstrate to the patient their outcome prior to the patient committing. We find this an invaluable diagnostic tool that removes the uncertainty for both the clinician and patient, and we find the patient benefits form this visual treatment outcome.
If you are unsure if your patient is an Invisalign case, please don’t hesitate to contact us with some clinical photographs and a short description so we can give an opinion on their suitability.
Dr Aimee is also qualified to deliver the majority of facial aesthetic treatments including anti-wrinkle injections and dermal fillers. She is an advocate for skin boosters as well as offering the popular celebrity treatment Profhilo which hydrates and tightens the skin which results in an youthful appearance.
Dental Finance Options
We would also like to inform you of the various payment options on offer to our patients. We can offer a 0% finance package over the first year that can increase to 7 – 14.9% if extended over 5 years. This can remove the financial burden from the patient so they can proceed with their dental need without the added financial strain that could arise. Please see our finance calcuator on our finance page for more detailed pament plans.
To contact or refer a patient for an assessment or specific dental treatment please see the attached referral pathways on offer.
If you wish to speak directly to one of our clinicians feel free to phone 01758614700 and leave a message at our reception. One of our clinicians will phone you back at their earliest convenience.
If you wish to discuss a case via email with a description and attached clinical photographs please contact us directly on
A direct referall. Please fill in the designated referral form with a brief description of their needs and potentially which treatment may be required, we will directly contact the patient and arrange an appointment.
Lastly we would like to thank you for your continued support. We truly strive to work and engage with our neighbouring dental practices and are excited in how dentistry is developing.
Mae Academi Ddeintyddol Gorwel yn gysylltiedig â Deintyddfa Glandwr sydd yn seiliedig yng Nghriccieth a Phwllheli. Oherwydd y galw cynyddol a thwf sylweddol mewn cyfeiriadau a dderbyniwyd o bractisau deintyddol eraill yn y cyffiniau, teimlem byddai yn fuddiol i ni agor canolfan atgyfeirio ble mae posib cyfeirio cleifion yn uniongyrchol i ni am driniaethau penodol.Unwaith y bydd y driniaeth wedi ei gwblhau, bydd adroddiad manwl yn cael ei anfon atoch yn cynnwys manylion y driniaeth a ddarperir, ac cefnogaeth yn y tymor hir, os oes angen.Mae ein clinig deintyddol modern newydd wedi ei leoli ar flaen yr harbwr ym Mhwllheli.
Rydym wedi dylunio’r adeilad yn arbennig i gael naws bwtîc i wneud profiad y claf mor hamddenol â phosibl. Bydd gennym ni bump deintydd yn gweithio yn y safle, pob un yn canolbwyntio ar eu maes arbenigol ac diddordebau eu hunain.
Ein nod yw darparu ansawdd uchel, triniaeth geidwadol gyda’r prif ffocws ar anghenion cleifi on.

brofiad yn benodol mewn deintyddiaeth cosmetic. Mae wedi datblygu cymysgedd eang ac amrywiol o sgiliau i allu trin pob math o achosion yn llwyddiannus ac mae gyda angerdd mewn cyflawni canlyniadau rhagorol ac naturiol gyda deunyddiau cyfansawdd, a phan fo angen wedi’i gyfuno â orthodonteg. Ble mae’n bosib mae yn cyflawni’r canlyniadau hyn heb
achosi niwed i’r dant. Dyma ddangosiad o’r amrywiaeth o driniaeth gan Dr Parry-Jones a hefyd enghraifft o safon ei waith.

Yn asesiad cychwynnol Dr Annest Haf bydd yn egluro’r drefn tawelu yn llawn a thriniaeth i’r claf, wedi’i gynnwys mae asesiad meddygol manwl. Mae croeso i chi gysylltu â ni os oes angen rhagor o wybodaeth arnoch am Ymwybodol Darperir tawelydd yma yn Gorwel.

Mi fydd Dr Aimee Saracco-Jones a’n harweinydd Invisalign, Dr Lois Parry-Jones yn derbyn cleifion Invisalign newydd. Rydym yn defnyddio’r sganwyr diweddaraf iTero sy’n ein galluogi i wneud y gwaith yn gywir, a gallu dangos eu canlyniad i’r claf o flaen llaw.
Os ydych yn ansicr a yw eich claf yn achos I Invisalign, peidiwch ag oedi i gysylltu â ni gyda rhaiffotograffau clinigol a disgrifiad byr, felly fyddani yn gallu rhoi barn ar eu haddasrwydd.
Mae Dr Aimee hefyd yn gymwys i gyflwyno’r mwyafrif o triniaethau esthetig wyneb gan gynnwys pigiadau gwrth-wrinkle a llenwyr dermol. Mae hi’n eiriolwr ar gyfer boosters croen yn ogystal â chynnig triniaeth poblogaidd ac enwog Profhilo sy’n hydradu ac yn tynhau’r croen sy’n arwain at edrychiad iau.
Opsiynau Cyllid Deintyddol
Hoffem hefyd roi gwybod i chi am yr opsiynau talu amrywiol sydd ar gael i ein cleifion. Gallwn gynnig pecyn cyllid 0% dros y flwyddyn gyntaf sy’n gallu cynyddu i 14.9% os caiff ei ymestyn dros 5 mlynedd. Gall hyn gael gwared ar y baich ariannol gan y claf fel y gallant barhau â’u hangen deintyddol heb y straen ariannol ychwanegol a allai godi. Gweler ein cyfrifiannell cyllid ar ein gwefan i gael cynlluniau talu mwy manwl.
I gysylltu neu atgyfeirio claf am asesiad neu triniaeth penodol gweler y llwybrau atgyfeirio sydd ar gael.
Os hoffech siarad yn uniongyrchol ag un o’n clinigwyr mae croeso i chi ffonio 01758614700 a gadewch neges yn ein derbynfa. Bydd un o’n clinigwyr yn eich ffonio yn ôl cyn gynted â phosibl.
Os ydych yn dymuno trafod achos drwy e-bost gyda disgrifiad a ffotograffau clinigol ynghlwm, cysylltwch â ni’n uniongyrchol ar
Er mwyn atgyfeiriad uniongyrchol, cwblhewch y ffurflen sydd wedi ei atodi gyda disgrifiad byr o’u hanghenion ac pa driniaeth y gallai fod ei hangen. Byddwn yn cysylltu â’r claf yn uniongyrchol ac yn trefnu apwyntiad.
Yn olaf hoffem ddiolch i chi am eich cefnogaeth barhaus. Rydym yn wirioneddol ymdrechu i weithio ac ymgysylltu â ein practisau deintyddol cyfagos ac yn gyffrous yn y ffordd mae deintyddiaeth yn datblygu.