With your teeth, prevention is better than a cure. If you want to keep your smile bright and white, then the most effective method is to stop consuming things that stain your teeth in the first place.
If you’ve just had teeth whitening treatments, or are thinking about getting teeth whitening in the future, then avoiding stains will mean you get the most of your procedure. Knowing what can cause discolouration is the first step to a more confident smile!
We have a list of food, drinks and habits that can cause staining on your teeth.
Coffee, red wine and other staining drinks.
Coffee must be the most well-known teeth stainer, and if you drink it regularly without rinsing your mouth or chewing gum, then its dark pigments can stick to your teeth’s enamel. Over time, they will darken. Red wine and black tea also have similar effects, so remember to sip on water in between servings!
Adding milk to your hot beverages can help reduce the staining effect.
Things to Avoid to Stop Staining Your Teeth
Eating brightly coloured foods.
Just like the drinks, any food that stains your shirts will likely stain your teeth as well. This includes foods like beetroot, berries, dark sauces, Currys and tomato-based sauces.
Eating creamier sauces is less likely to cause any discolouration on your teeth.
Not drinking enough water.
Drinking water throughout the day is not only important for hydration levels, but it also is a chance for the mouth to rinse itself out, clearing away substances that may stain your teeth.
Smoking or chewing tobacco.
There are so many reasons to quit smoking, including numerous oral health problems such as gum disease and oral cancer. It also can wreak havoc with the colour of our teeth too. So, the sooner you give up cigarettes or tobacco, the sooner your teeth and the rest of your body can recover.
Drinking fizzy drinks.
Some people might think that drinking white wine is a stain-free alternative to drinking red wine, but you’re wrong. The acidity from some wines can cause your tooth enamel to soften, so it is then more prone to stains from other sources. Fizzy drinks and sugary drinks cause the same issue, so it is best to only enjoy them in moderation.
Not regularly brushing and flossing your teeth.
Plaque that builds up on our teeth will lock in stains, so maintaining a great oral hygiene routine will reduce the effects of this. Make sure to brush your teeth at least twice a day and stick to eating a healthy balanced diet with low sugar.
Using certain mouthwashes long-term
Some mouthwashes, such as Corsodyl, can stain your teeth if used over a long period of time. These are mouthwashes that contain chlorhexidine gluconate (CG), ones that are often marketed for treating gum disease.
Either use these only short term or switch to a daily mouthwash that will not stain your teeth.
If you are interested in any of our cosmetic procedures, or more topically, any of our teeth whitening procedures, you can register your interest with our cosmetic dentistry form. Alternatively, contact us to find out more information.